Assorted . . .

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The weekend was fun and fast . . . on Saturday I got to meet another knitblogger! Yarnmaven Julia was in Dallas for the weekend with her adorable daughter visiting family, so of course I had to drag her away to do a bit of yarn shopping! And shopping we did . . . I broke my self-imposed yarn-spending boycott, but only because I found a great deal. Seriously. Oh, like you’d pass up enough half-price Noro Cash Iroha to make a whole sweater. Half Price!!! This is the yarn that I swore to myself I would buy if I ever found it in the clearance rack at the Woolie Ewe. Yep, thinking I’d never ever ever see it there. Unfortunately I was in such a hurry to finally post again that I forgot to take a picture.

But I did remember to bring my camera on Saturday, and Julia’s sweet mom took a photo of us:

In other news, I hate the time change. I know that in a couple weeks I will get used to it and will love the extra hours of daylight in the evenings, but for now, it sucks ass. Here it is 9ish pm, and I feel like it’s only 8ish, and I’m already starting to resent the fact that I am not going to feel ready to go to bed later. And then in the morning I’ll get up in the pitch dark to go to work. Of course, the later daylight is useful for things like househunting (shhh!), but oh, I hate it for now.

And speaking of which, I have tons of crap to do before I can even think about bedtime, so I’m off for now. But I promise to come back tomorrow . . . I promise!

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